Picture of Me!

Hello! I'm Aaqeeb Hussain 😁

Im a front-end software developer with strong enthusiasm for creating user-friendly, fast loading web products that make a positive difference in the world.

My technology stack!


Here are some of my projects

  • WMCA project

    WMCA Communication Dashboard

    ReactJS, CSS, Vite, Husky, Snyk and Github

    The communication dashboard was made using ReactJS with Vite for its superior performance, offering faster builds, we managed version control with GitHub, employed Husky and Snyk for automated tasks and security.

  • My project image Anime World


    HTML, CSS, JavaScript and ReactJS

    In this project I used JavaScript, HTML, CSS and ReactJS to make a responsive Anime search website. I used Jikan API to pull data and populate the results, I also used React Router, React Hooks and added a loading state.

  • My project image

    Nft Market Place

    CSS, ReactJS, and REST APIs.

    An NFT marketplace built with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, ReactJS, and REST APIs. The project features a responsive design and simulates a real-world environment by utilizing Git and GitHub for pull requests.

  • My project image

    Gmail Clone

    HTML, CSS, JavaScript, ReactJS, Redux and Firebase

    In this project I made a clone of Gmail, I used firebase firestore for the database, firebase auth google auth for login. I used Redux for a global store that could be accessed anywhere in the app, I also used React Router and React Hooks.

  • My project image

    Google Search Clone

    HTML, CSS, JavaScript, ReactJS and Firebase

    In this project I cloned Google Search, using Google's search api for a custom search. This project was deployed on Firebase.

  • My project image

    Twitter Clone

    HTML, CSS, JavaScript, ReactJS and Firebase

    This is a Twitter clone project, I used firestore for the database to mimic the Twitter feed and I used the twitter-embed React library to mimic the 'What's Happening' widget.